Saturday, December 31, 2011

Student Spotlight: Darrel Payne

This month's Student Spotlight features visual art and photography student Darrel Payne... continue on to read about one of our graduating seniors!

.::. Basics .::.
Darrel Melvin Payne
BA Art // BFA Photography // BA Religion 
May 2013

.::. Artist Statement .::.
I am one of a hundred CSU Franciscan Pilgrims and participated in the first Open Box Project. This past summer I was involved with Camp Greenwood at St. Francis School in Greenwood, Mississippi as one of the volunteers. Currently, I have a body of work displayed in the Cardinal Stritch University Library and other work in the CFA building. I captured a series of photographs   this past winter on February 1, 2011 during a major snowstorm, which was very inspirational because the natural combination of wind and snow were ferocious that night.

As an artist, I thrive on adventures and experimenting when creating works of art using various mediums, such as oil paint, acrylic paint, gouache paint, and other new tools such as, a digital camera to capture images naturally.

Taking chances when I work as an artist continues to excite me because the photographs on display are four of hundreds I attempted to take during the aforementioned storm. The photos are 100% natural, and I felt these were the best of a series of prints for the reason that one can visualize the chilling snow and wind blowing toward the camera lens. My philosophy when I photographed the images was to capture a decisive moment in time and to have one feel the thrill of nature moving across their path of vision. 

.::. Contact .::.
Email Darrel here


Anonymous said...

Awesome pics looks like it may have been enhanced but to read these are all natural surprised me. There's a certain feel to the picture that I can't put into words but I believe the the photographer has definitely captured.

Anonymous said...

Amazing! I can defiantly express what Mr Payne has captured. Especially portrait number (2) two. "A cold of death."Is what appears to me...

Anonymous said...

Amazing! I could defiantly express what Mr. Payne has captured. Especially painting number (2) two. "A cold of death."Is what appears to me.

Susie L Hill