Monday, February 27, 2012

Around Campus: Polka Dot Collective

Gallery director Claire Odishoo is currently the faculty advisor of student fashion collective, Polka Dot.  Polka Dot is a group that takes vintage and forgotten fabrics and turns it into something new and refreshing!  Many of the fabrics are donated and are currently being transformed into wearable, functional pieces.  Proceeds from the items are split 50-50: half of it goes back to the students and the other half goes towards gallery programming.  

You can read more about Polka Dot in this article written by Wolfprint.  If you would like to get involved, Polka Dot meets on Wednesdays from 12:15 to 1:00.  Email Claire for more information!  

(Also, how great is their logo?!  It was completely drawn out and designed my graphic design junior, Riley Schoonover.)  

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