Wednesday, December 7, 2011

AIGA Student Group Hosts Open Gallery Night

On Thursday November 17 the AIGA student group, CMYK, hosted their third Open Gallery Night.  Open Gallery Night is an event that is open to all students on campus.  It is a free salon-style gallery event that students can use to professionally display their work for one-night only.  CMYK advertises the event on campus and Facebook and opens it up to participants to invite even more people.  


This semester's event featured 15+ student artists from all levels of experience.  This was also the first semester that CMYK was able to rent out the Northwestern Mutual Art Gallery instead of the dance studio spaces and lobbies that they have used in the past. There were over 40 different pieces of work and over 100 visitors.  In lieu of a bake sale, CMYK offered a free photo booth for attendees to participate in with fun props!  

A big thanks goes out to all participants and visitors for making the event a success; CMYK would also like to thank Claire Odishoo for letting students use the gallery space.  We can't wait until next semester when we host something even bigger and better! 

{PS: Bonus points go to the first person who can name a favorite professor who kept reappearing in the photobooth photos!} 

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